CORD has assisted in the implementation of Career Pathways models abroad and the development of similar programs that address the unique workforce development needs of other countries. With funding from organizations such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the United States Agency for International Development, as well as from client governments, CORD has participated in significant education reform initiatives around the world.
CORD’s staff has provided governmental and educational leaders tools for assessing current educational conditions and identifying gaps between educational supply and demand that may be hindering growth. CORD’s curriculum resources and contextual teaching approach offer tools and techniques for preparing diverse student populations for success in college and careers.

CORD’s Experience in the Dominican Republic
Since 2006 CORD has worked extensively in the Dominican Republic (DR), developing curriculum, conducting professional development, improving relationships between educators and employers, and communicating the need for greater emphasis on employability skills such as decision making, problem-solving, and critical thinking. CORD is currently involved in the Business Initiative for Technical Education (BITE), a public-private alliance comprising IMCA (Implementos y Maquinarias, the leading Caterpillar dealership in the DR) and other businesses and public agencies in the DR. Tasked with improving technician preparation at polytechnic schools through changes in curriculum and pedagogy, the initiative has produced significant corporate economic benefits and has fundamentally altered key aspects of technical education throughout the nation.